The community of Burning Tree has many virtues and assets that make it very unique within Bonita Bay. Both its size, or lack of, in area (5 acres) , population (42 residents),
house size (2-3 BR Villas) and design
(single 1/4 mile oak-lined oval) encourages
a sense of small village cordiality where you
know and interact with all your neighbors.
This sense of community is rarely found in
other Bonita Bay communities, at least not to the extent that is here.
Click on BURNINGTREE for a short video highlighting our neighborhood.
In addition, there are other amenities that we enjoy here in Burning Tree:
HOA community fee is among the lowest, if not, the lowest, HOA fee in Bonita Bay
$5000 per year ($1250 per quarter)
Proximity to Main Gate
Burning Tree is the closest community of all Bonita Bay communities, to the main gate just off of Rte 41. Many, particularly visitors, find this feature very convenient.​
Located within walking distance
from all the villas, it is heated and
maintained throughout the year.
In addition, the pool and pool
house with WI-FI, TV and barbeque have become the social centers for community gatherings and family celebrations.​
Beach Shuttle​
Conveniently located at Burning Tree entrance, the shuttle bus will pick you up (hourly) and bring you to Bonita Bay’s private beach. The beach provides sand chairs, umbrellas, picnic tables, and cabanas. Concessions provide food and drink.
The beach is immaculately maintained and sits on the Gulf, home to many dolphins and sea birds. Watching the sun set with friends and a glass of wine is a perfect way to end the day.
The shuttle leaves hourly back to Bonita Bay until 8PM.​
The Promenade
Burning Tree is the closest Bonita Bay community to the Promenade, home to great restaurants, shopping, entertainment, occasional art shows and the weekly Farmers Market. World renown DeRomo's Gourmet Italian Deli is a treasure of fine Italian foods. ​
Trianon Hotel
The only hotel on the Bonita Bay campus is within walking distance to Burning Tree. This is extremely useful for visiting families whose residents are unable to accommodate otherwise.​
Route 41
Route 41 (Tamiami Trail) is the primary artery into Bonita Springs. It is also home to many stores (Publix, CVS, Medical/Dental services) needed by the Burning Tree residents. Having it so close is a major convenience.​
BBCA Administration Center
This facility offers many educational offerings as well as provide communal activities (Mah Jongg, Bridge, Bingo, etc) for its' residents. Burning Tree is a short walk to the Center and is its closest Bonita Bay community​